Neighbourly is a social platform that connects local community projects with people and companies that want to make a difference. Nick Davies launched the platform in July 2014 in hope to contribute to society, re-connect with people and celebrate the abundance of potential in our communities.
In 2015 Neighbourly extended its remit to connect retailer’s food surplus to community gaps and charities, feeding those in need. Since then Davies has formed various partnerships with companies such as Marks & Spencer, Starbucks and OVO Energy which has helped to increase revenues and grow the concept of Neighbourly.
Davies recognised that most people want to contribute and re-connect but don’t know where to start, neighbourly makes this process easy. It is a giving platform that helps people access financial donations, surplus food and products, volunteers, and community campaigns all in the one place. The platform allows anyone to create a project for free or donate their time.
Currently £5.96 million has been raised, 11,100 people have pledged their help, 2.18 million meals have been donated and 0.4 tonnes of products have been donated.
The concept of neighbourly and the software components associated to creating such a platform are considered to be Research and Development. As a result the company is eligible for a significant rebate on its R&D expenditure. The available tax relief on R&D activities is very generous and should be utilised, to find out more contact a Swanson Reed R&D specialist today.