R&D Cases

/R&D Cases

Locit Achieves Carbon Neutrality in a UK First

By |November 14th, 2023|

Locit Limited has made history in their Deeside-based manufacturing site. The company is the first in the UK - possible in the world - to achieve complete carbon neutrality in their steel locker manufacturing. “We have achieved a UK first- and potentially a world first – for our sector using digital manufacturing techniques which put [...]

FSA and UKRI Fund Citizen Science to Improve Public Food Safety

By |November 25th, 2021|

Citizen science projects are being funded in the UK, with 6 projects set to tackle issues on food safety.  The Food Safety Agency (FSA) and UK Research and innovation (UKRI) have awarded £200,000 to each of the projects which should last between six and nine months. This research will incorporate citizen science, where the public [...]

Smart Nano NI to Receive £42.4M in Support of Nano Innovation

By |August 5th, 2021|

Northern Ireland has been committed to enhancing their own innovation, with plenty of investment into R&D. Recently, the Smart Nano NI consortium has been granted £42.4 million in funding in an effort to meet their innovation goals. Smart Nano NI is a Northern Ireland consortium collaborating to develop game-changing advanced prototyping and smart manufacturing methods [...]

Gael Force Group Announces Aquaculture R&D Plans

By |July 29th, 2021|

Gael Force Group has unveiled their plans for a multi-million pound investment in their research and development. Gael Force Group is a leading supply partner and manufacturer of equipment, technology, and services for the farming and catching of healthy, nutritious seafood.  This planned funding will go towards several initiatives in their pipeline, aimed at developing [...]

ZeroAvia has Announced $13M in Funding for their Zero Emission Aviation

By |July 29th, 2021|

ZeroAvia, an aviation engineering company, is set on creating zero emission air travel at scale. Their plans begin with 500-mile short-haul trips which will be half that of today’s cost. They have recently announced the next phase of their 19-seat program as well as plans for their 50+ seat engine. Their 19-seat flight aims to [...]

Tribunal Allows R&D Appeal and Sets New Precedent Regarding Investors

By |June 4th, 2021|

Pyreos Ltd, a manufacturer of mini, rugged, pyroelectric, mid-infrared sensors and detectors, made claims for tax relief for the 2010 and 2012 tax years. With the claim being made under section 1119, CTA 2009, they relied on Pyreos being an autonomous SME.  Because of this, the Commission Recommendation (EC) sought to look at the composition [...]

Hadee Engineering Co Ltd v Revenue & Customs

By |June 4th, 2021|

Hadee Engineering Co Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2020] UKFTT 497 (TC) Background Hadee Engineering Co filed for R&D tax credits for the 2009 and 2010 tax years. These claims were denied by the HMRC. Naturally, Hadee Engineering appealed this decision. The claims were made under the SME scheme, claiming enhanced expenditure of 75%. The [...]

AHK Recruitment Limited v. HMRC

By |September 22nd, 2020|Tags: , |

BACKGROUND AHK Recruitment Limited (“AHK”) v. HMRC (2019) AHK is a UK based company that provides human resources (HR) services and develops HR systems. In 2014 and 2015, the company aimed to research employee attributes (e.g. values, motivation and intellect) and develop technology to assess these in a statistical, methodical way. This work sought to: [...]