claiming R&D

/Tag:claiming R&D

When it comes to R&D, ‘incurred costs’ and ‘paid costs’ are two different things in the eyes of HMRC.

By |November 22nd, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Any company engaging in R&D activities and claiming tax relief will have claimed in one, if not many, eligible cost categories. Naturally, each category has a set of requirements and it's important to know what these are. For a number of categories 'incurred costs' and 'paid costs' are not the same things. In simple terms, some [...]

Many firms may be missing out on R&D funding

By |August 24th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

The latest figures from HMRC shows that only 0.3% of SMEs claimed R&D Tax Relief in 2016. That's 17,135 out of the 5.4 million SMEs based in the UK, up from 15,955 the previous year. These firms could be missing out on hundreds of thousands of pounds that they are entitled to claim which they [...]