Imagine having an innovative heating system that learns exactly when you use each room in your home and turns off radiators and other heat sources independently and automatically when they are not needed. Such innovation would allow greater control of energy and electricity bills and would also be substantially more environmentally friendly.
Well the smart heating control system, Heat Genius is the one company that can make this all possible. Heat Genius was founded in 2012 by Alasdair Woodbridge and Simon Turner with a mission for people to remain in control of their energy bills in a simplistic way which does not compromise on comfort.
Heat Genius went on to develop the Genius home app which allows users to control the temperatures of their home from anywhere in the world. This allows the assurance that your home is warm when you arrive without wasting heat when you’re out. It allows users to take control where ever and whenever.
The smart technology of Heat Genius even allows for scheduling heating for each room and automatically turns radiators off when a window is left open or when it is sunny outside. Additionally it predicts how long each room will take to warm up, so that it will reach the desired temperature at the time you set and on cooler days the Genius hub also knows to turn the heating on earlier.
Heat Genius has had great success with its innovative technology and Woodbridge and Turner have plans to expand into continental Europe by updating the product to also allow for the control of air conditioning systems.
Heat Genius’ innovative process of developing such a smart heating control system is considered as Research and Development. As a result the company is eligible for a significant rebate on its R&D expenditure. The available tax relief on R&D activities is very generous and should be utilised, to find out more contact a Swanson Reed R&D specialist today.